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सामाजिक संजालमा भाइरल सुरक्षा

सामाजिक संजालमा भाइरल सुरक्षा : मोहनी लागायो की मन्तर गरेर कपाल कोरेर साली भाटू संगई बसम पिरिम जोडेर सामाजिक संजालमा भाइरल बनिरहेको छ

Action Research


 1.1  Background of the study

Household environment is a framework to a child One spends maximum time in house since born. Many cultural behavious are designed in the house. Father & mother are not only administrative head in the family also they are the behavioural & cultural directors. Along with the parents grandparents, brothers, sisters, uncle-aunt etc.(if they are) too. They have significant role in designing the childrens’ various aspects.
Mother is considered the first teacher for a child. If can be understand that not only a teacher enough for shaping a child’s mind. An individual be inlightened through the education system. At present, education system is links with form always which are being provided through school,collges etc. Students are send to the academic institutions for study. But only academic institutions can not bright drawtic changes in students until & unless their parents/guardian give good culture & attention toward their offsprings. Education alongwith good cultured remains one of the most important humanitarian intervation to reduce various deformaties regarding livelihood.. If the family members & take good care to a child obviously it would be mutual part to increase the studious nature. Good family environment strenghthen the students learning pace making them disciplined. Many barriers are there which make family environment negative for a learner.
Dimjanata secondary school too faces the problems regarding learning outcomes. Some of them are thought linked with household environment . The school lies north east direction of Sarlahi district having various difficulties.

 1.2 Statement of the problem

Formal education system for human development is considered as one of the most important indicator for human & social development. Parwanipur VDC is rural area of sarlahi district. Most of the people are illiterate & traditional minded. In this situation, Dim janata S.S. in local context have diverse students. Students nature in the grade vi to X are very more than national criteria,which itself make the difficulty in teaching learning process.Grade 1-5 are comperatively less. Families which send the students are mostly traditional &superstitious. Parents/guardiens are mostly

DharmaRaj Ghimire, Dim Janata Secondary School, Parwanipur Sarlahi


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