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Showing posts from February, 2023

शिक्षा, विज्ञान तथा प्रविधि मन्त्रालयबाट स्वीकृत शिक्षक दरबन्दी (मिलान तथा व्यवस्थापन) कार्यविधि, २०७६

शिक्षा, विज्ञान तथा प्रविधि मन्त्रालयबाट स्वीकृत मिति : २०७६।१०।१२ गते( माननीय मन्त्रीस्तरबाट) शिक्षक दरबन्दी (मिलान तथा व्यवस्थापन) कार्यविधि, २०७६ शिक्षा तथा मान स्रोत विकास केन्द्र सानोठिमी, भक्तपुर२ ०७६ प्रस्तावना : नेपाल सरकार, मन्त्रिपरिषद्बाट साविकमा नेपाल सरकारले जिल्लागत रुपमा उपुलब्ध गराएको प्राथमिक, निम्न माध्यमिक र माध्यमिक तहका शिक्षक दरबन्दी तथा राहत अनुदान कोटालाई शिक्षा ऐन, २०२८ को दफा ११ को उपदफा (५) को खण्ड (च) बमोशिमको दरबन्दी मिलानको काय स्थानीय तहगत रुपमा बाडफाड गरी दरबन्दी मिलान गर्न शिक्षा, विज्ञान तथा प्रविधि मन्त्रालयलाई जिम्मेवारी दिनेभनी मिति २०७६।०५।०४ मा भएको निर्णयलाई प्रकयागत रुपमा सरल, सहि र पारदर्शीढंगबाट कार्यान्वयन गर्न वाञ्छनीय भएकोले, शिक्षा, विज्ञान तथा प्रविधि मन्त्रालयले यो कार्यविधि बनाई लागु गरको छ । परिच्छेद–१ प्रारम्भिक १. सक्षिप्त नाम  प्रारम्भ : (१) यस कार्यविधिको नाम : शिक्षक दरबन्दी(मिलान तथा व्यवस्थापन) कार्यविधि, २०७६ रहको छ । (२) यो कार्यविधि मन्त्रालयबाट स्वीकृत भएको मितिदेखि प्रारम्भ हुनेछ । २. परिभाषा : विषय वा प्रसंगले अर्को अर

Latest Nepali Songs Collected by Shamser Pulami

Action Research Report by DharmRaj-lauro_media/article

Action Research Report by DharmRaj-lauro_media/article : This action research report was prepared by Mr. Dharmaraj Ghimire, a secondary school (social) teacher teaching learning in the school. The report prepared after identifying and studying the problems encountered during the teaching learning activities for the purpose of performance evaluation (Ka.Sa.Mu.). This research report is published with the intention that it can be useful for teachers in the teaching service.।
Action Research  CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION  1.1  Background of the study Household environment is a framework to a child One spends maximum time in house since born. Many cultural behavious are designed in the house. Father & mother are not only administrative head in the family also they are the behavioural & cultural directors. Along with the parents grandparents, brothers, sisters, uncle-aunt etc.(if they are) too. They have significant role in designing the childrens’ various aspects. Mother is considered the first teacher for a child. If can be understand that not only a teacher enough for shaping a child’s mind. An individual be inlightened through the education system. At present, education system is links with form always which are being provided through school,collges etc. Students are send to the academic institutions for study. But only academic institutions can not bright drawtic changes in students until & unless their parents/guardian give good culture &
